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Giving your Guests the best!


Are you hosting Thanksgiving? Get your guest room set up right before guests arrive.

Are you hosting family or friends for Thanksgiving? You have a lot of things to get ready. There’s the big dinner to plan, of course, but before the guests arrive you may also want to make some changes to guest sleeping arrangements so they can wake up refreshed to make the trip back home.

Make sure you are covered.
A mattress protector should practically be required in guest rooms. Maybe you have children staying or older adults who are likely to have an accident but even if your guests are not likely to spill anything in bed you should protect your mattress with a mattress protector that keeps allergens, moisture and accidents away from the mattress. A mattress protector creates a barrier that can keep a house guest’s small accident from ruining a mattress. Mattress protectors can be taken off and washed so your guests can sleep on a fresh clean mattress every time they visit.

Protecting all the mattresses in your home can help your mattresses last longer. If you suffer from dust or pet allergies a mattress protector can keep these allergens out of your mattress so you rest better.

It may be a good opportunity to replace your master bedroom mattress. If your guest room can accommodate the same size mattress as your bedroom now is your chance to help your guests sleep better while also improving your sleep. If you are waking up with any stiffness or noticing restlessness on your mattress it may be a good opportunity to address these issues. Your guests will appreciate sleeping on a nice mattress and you will appreciate the increased comfort a new mattress can provide.

If you are happy with your mattress and just need a guest bed consider who you are shopping for.
If your guests need more support or have given any feedback regarding your guest room share that information with your sleep specialist. Many mattress designs work better than others depending on your particular sleep issues. Often the best choice for a guest room is a mattress that provides great support while also providing comfortable pressure relief.

If you do not have enough beds for everyone consider offering sleepers with back, hip, neck or shoulder first priority for sleeping in a bed. Additionally, any guests who may be driving for longer periods could appreciate the improved restfulness they’ll get sleeping in your guest bed.

Younger children and sleepers without back pain may be able to get by with a night on the couch or on air mattresses but if you have a lot of guests that need better support while they sleep you may consider keeping spare mattresses to place on the floor in storage.

Everyone’s needs can vary so find the best solution for you. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Why do we Yawn?


Why do we yawn? We are not the only species who yawns monkeys, dogs, cats, and even fish and babies inside the womb yawn but why? It is one of those truly unsolved mysteries, but there are some really interesting theories.

The one that seems to be the most pervasive is that it expands your lungs and brings in a ton of oxygen all at once. That oxygen goes to your brain allowing you to wake up. But is this true? It makes sense but scientists have shown that oxygen levels don’t actually rise when we yawn. So if it isn’t taking oxygen to the brain what is it doing?

It seems that there is a decent connection between yawning and temperature regulation. The hotter you are the more likely you are to yawn if you see someone else yawning. Yawns are contagious. I bet at least half of you have yawned just from seeing the picture above and I’ve yawned twice while writing this. It is that weird suggestible thing when someone even says yawn we all respond in kind, but we are less likely to yawn if you are cold.

As you lay in bed every night sleeping heat builds up throughout the night, which is why many of us immediately wake up and yawn. Your brain functions at its best when it is in a cooler environment. So we wake up and immediately cool down our brains. The circadian rhythm determines the heat of our body throughout the day. Typically the highest points are right before we fall asleep and first thing when we wake up. The average person yawns 8 times a day which seems to be a way to regulate our brains temperature.

Typically when one person yawns multiple people in a room yawn. This is more than likely an evolutionary process where one person sees another and knows that maybe they should regulate their brain too. It could also be because of empathy or mimicry. Sleeping cool could help eliminate the early morning yawns. When you keep your cool and regulate your body temperature you get deeper sleep and wake up feeling refreshed. Experiment.  See if you yawn when you wake up after a nice night’s sleep in a cool bed. 

Don’t Let Acid Reflux Ruin Your Night


Maybe you have suffered from a sour stomach in the middle of the night. Maybe you deal with digestion issues frequently. If you are waking up in the middle of the night with an upset stomach there are steps you can take to help yourself sleep better. Keep reading to learn more.

Your stomach is designed to hold the highly acidic stomach juices that help us digest food. Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD happens when the stomach acid in the body escapes up into the esophagus. The esophagus can be chemically burned by the strong acidic juices from the stomach. Escaped stomach juices can cause a pain in the center of the chest caused by stomach acid burning the esophagus that is often called heart burn.

Many sleepers suffer from heart burn. Nearly 60% of adults report suffering at some point in the year from acid reflux symptoms with around 20-30% reporting they have weekly symptoms. With a little bit of planning and some improved ergonomic positioning at night you can help minimize the effects of acid reflux while you sleep.

Check out an adjustable base mattress set so you can elevate your head. An adjustable mattress set allows your head to tilt up at the hips which can provide your esophagus a little extra assistance in keeping your stomach acid down in the stomach where it belongs. If you wake up with a sour taste in your mouth elevate your head while you sleep. You may also notice that elevating your head with an ergonomic adjustable bases help open your air passages and makes it easier to breathe while you sleep.

Check your meal choices in the evening to minimize acid reflux symptoms at night. Try to not eat very acidic foods or too much of anything before you go to bed. If you need a snack in the evening be sure to keep the portions small. You do not want to tax your digestion system heavily while you are trying to sleep. Whole grain oatmeal, non-citrus fruits, healthy fats like nuts or a cheese stick are generally good snacks to enjoy before bed time.

Don’t let acid reflux disrupt your night.

If you suffer from heart burn you should consult your doctor because some conditions can be serious. Damage to the esophagus can occur and stomach pains or heart pains are best left diagnosed by a train professional. 

Maybe you have suffered from a sour stomach in the middle of the night. Maybe you deal with digestion issues frequently. If you are waking up in the middle of the night with an upset stomach there are steps you can take to help yourself sleep better. Keep reading to learn more.

Your stomach is designed to hold the highly acidic stomach juices that help us digest food. Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD happens when the stomach acid in the body escapes up into the esophagus. The esophagus can be chemically burned by the strong acidic juices from the stomach. Escaped stomach juices can cause a pain in the center of the chest caused by stomach acid burning the esophagus that is often called heart burn.

Many sleepers suffer from heart burn. Nearly 60% of adults report suffering at some point in the year from acid reflux symptoms with around 20-30% reporting they have weekly symptoms. With a little bit of planning and some improved ergonomic positioning at night you can help minimize the effects of acid reflux while you sleep.

Check out an adjustable base mattress set so you can elevate your head. An adjustable mattress set allows your head to tilt up at the hips which can provide your esophagus a little extra assistance in keeping your stomach acid down in the stomach where it belongs. If you wake up with a sour taste in your mouth elevate your head while you sleep. You may also notice that elevating your head with an ergonomic adjustable bases help open your air passages and makes it easier to breathe while you sleep.

Check your meal choices in the evening to minimize acid reflux symptoms at night. Try to not eat very acidic foods or too much of anything before you go to bed. If you need a snack in the evening be sure to keep the portions small. You do not want to tax your digestion system heavily while you are trying to sleep. Whole grain oatmeal, non-citrus fruits, healthy fats like nuts or a cheese stick are generally good snacks to enjoy before bed time.

Don’t let acid reflux disrupt your night.

If you suffer from heart burn you should consult your doctor because some conditions can be serious. Damage to the esophagus can occur and stomach pains or heart pains are best left diagnosed by a train professional. 

Coffee Lovers Sleep Tips


Don’t drink coffee after 2pm for better sleep.

Are you groggy and unable to function without your morning cup of coffee? Perhaps you walk around on auto-pilot until you get your daily warm cup of coffee into your system. If you feel this way you are not alone. Many folks start their day with a bit of caffeine.

But did you know that even when the effects of caffeine can’t be perceived it can still affect sleep quality. In a small study participants were given set doses of caffeine throughout various times in the day and compared to participants given placebo.  The study found that normal sleepers who regularly consumed typical amounts of caffeine had diminished sleep quality when compared to sleepers who were given placebo. Taking caffeine closer to bed time caused participants to perceive a disruption in normal sleep. When participants in the study took caffeine earlier in the day they could no longer perceive the change in sleep but researchers still noticed diminished sleep.

So when should you enjoy coffee?

Because caffeine masks the signals from your brain telling you that you are tired, you may be using it to mask a deeper sleep problem. If you are going to consumer caffeine you should do it earlier in the day so that your body can process it before bed time but avoiding caffeine, according to researchers, will help improve sleep. Just be prepared for discomfort when quitting caffeine. Because it is mildly addictive, many notice headaches, soreness and irritability when avoiding caffeine.

Enjoy your coffee. Just don’t drink it after 2pm.

Managing what we drink throughout the day is important. The Mayo Clinic recommends no more than 4 cups of coffee per day or around 400mgs of caffeine. Decaffeinated coffee still contains some caffeine but much less than a normal strength coffee.  If you want to consumer a lot of caffeine it’s better to do it early. Don’t try to drink coffee after 2pm if you want to improve sleep.

If you struggle to feel awake and refreshed in the morning perhaps it’s time to cut back on masking your tired feelings and start addressing the cause. Don’t let poor sleep quality make you feel groggy all morning until you get your coffee. Wake up feeling refreshed.

If you want to address your own sleep issues visit your nearest Mattress Direct showroom.

All Mattress Direct factory direct show rooms have mattress specialists trained to fit you for the best mattress for your sleep needs.  Plus, Mattress Direct makes shopping for the right mattress easy with our nationwide guaranteed lowest price factory direct savings. You get the lowest prices on everything in our showroom up-front so we can focus on finding the best mattress to help you.

Mattress Direct is a factory direct showroom for Tempur-pedic, Sealy, Stearns and Foster, iDirect, King Koil, and Campbell Mattress of Missouri. We proudly carry mattresses made in USA such as the Sealy Posturepedic, King Koil, Sealy Posturepedic Hybrid, Sealy Conform, Tempurpedic Cloud, Tempurpedic Conform and Tempurpedic Flex, Stearns & Foster Estate, Stearns & Foster Lux Estate, Stearns & Foster Reserve and Stearns & Foster Hybrid. We are locally owned and operated serving the greater St. Louis area and growing. Please visit our factory direct mattress showrooms so you get the lowest price and the very best mattress for your particular needs.

Make your Bedroom a better Sleep Zone

Simple tips that make your bedroom a better sleep zone.

Get the light right.

Stick with lower output light bulbs with warmer orange shades of white light instead of bright white light bulbs so your bedroom light is more similar to shades of light you’d experience at sunset. Bright white light sends you the signal to be awake. Check your light bulb’s packaging and look for the light appearance rating around 2200K to 2700K.

White light with a cooler appearance rating makes you feel like it is day time.
Our natural circadian rhythm is the normal rhythm that our body and mind adheres to which is based on the light from the sun. Luckily, we live in a time where light is enjoyed at the flip of a switch but this artificial light interferes with our natural circadian rhythm which can make getting to sleep more difficult.

Using a bedside lamp for ambient light is better than using overhead lighting that shines down on you. You can improve your bedroom’s lighting with an end table equipped with a lower watt bulb. Remember, a warmer light color appearance rating is going to limit the wave lengths of light that make you feel like it’s time to be awake.

Make it smell swell.

Maybe your bedroom doesn’t stink but if you are struggling to fall asleep, a calming scent like lavender, jasmine, vanilla or rosemary could help you relax. Have you ever smelled something and recalled a memory? Our sense of smell is linked to our memory. Calming scents can be used as a signal to your body that it is time for sleep. A potpourri bowl next to your bedside with calming herbs could do just the trick but be wary of candles if you are unable to put them out before bed.

It’s time to mention your television.

If you are struggling to sleep you may want to limit TV time at night. Exposure to the light emitted by TVs, tablets, computers and pocket game systems has been shown to make sleep more difficult. Reading a book, magazine, newspaper or e ink tablet before bed could help limit your exposure to the types of light that tell your brain to stay awake. You may also be able to change settings on some devices to limit these types of light.

Make sure your mattress is supporting your back, not holding you back.

If you want better sleep visit one of the 18 Mattress Direct showrooms around St. Louis Missouri and Illinois.

All Mattress Direct factory direct show rooms have mattress specialists trained to fit you for the best mattress for your sleep needs.  Plus, Mattress Direct makes shopping for the right mattress easy with our nationwide guaranteed lowest price factory direct savings. You get the lowest prices on everything in our showroom up-front so we can focus on finding the best mattress to help you.

Mattress Direct is a factory direct showroom for Tempur-pedic, Sealy, Stearns and Foster, iDirect, King Koil, and Campbell Mattress of Missouri. We proudly carry mattresses made in USA such as the Sealy Posturepedic, King Koil, Sealy Posturepedic Hybrid, Sealy Conform, Tempurpedic Cloud, Tempurpedic Conform and Tempurpedic Flex, Stearns & Foster Estate, Stearns & Foster Lux Estate, Stearns & Foster Reserve and Stearns & Foster Hybrid. We are locally owned and operated serving the greater St. Louis area and growing. Please visit our factory direct mattress showrooms so you get the lowest price and the very best mattress for your particular needs.

Could 1 extra hour of sleep really lower your child’s risk for Type 2 Diabetes?

Could 1 extra hour of sleep really lower your child’s risk for Type 2 Diabetes?

You may already know that children need more sleep than adults but you recent evidence suggests that a major health issue is present. Children are not getting adequate sleep which could cause serious health problems in the future.

A study published by the Journal of Pediatrics concluded that sleep deprivation could be linked to major health issues after researchers studied the sleeping patterns of nearly 5,000 9-10 year old children. The children in this study slept an average of 10.5 hours per night.

Health experts recommend children between the ages of six and twelve years old get around 9 to 12 hours of sleep every night. Younger children should sleep even more.

The amount of sleep children get a night appears to be connected to risk factors for their overall health.

Researchers found, when children increase the amount of sleep they got per night, risk factors for Type 2 Diabetes, such as body mass index, body fat, insulin resistance and glucose levels dropped. This does not prove a direct correlation but there does appear to be a connection based on the findings.

Type 2 Diabetes occurrences have increased in the last 15 years in young people. Perhaps an improvement in the amount of sleep children get is a step in the right direction.

What can parents do to help their children sleep better?

- Limit screen time before bed. You may be able to set parental restrictions on some devices.

- Keep a bed time routine.  Setting a bed time routine in childhood can help your children sleep better in the future.

- Avoid caffeine and chocolate before bed. Caffeine inhibits good sleep even when you don’t realize it.

- Assess the mattress your child sleeps on. Is it still a good fit?

Ensure your child, and yourself, get enough good quality sleep so you wake up feeling refreshed. If you have any questions about sleep visit a sleep specialist at Mattress Direct. #sleeprules

Get the restful restoring sleep you need every night.
If you wake up sore, feel tired in the morning or throughout the day then visit a Mattress Direct showroom and let our sleep specialists get you sleeping your very best. Sleep is so important. We have always known this but research is finally explaining why we feel so much better when we get good sleep.

Mattress Direct is a factory direct showroom for Tempur-pedic, Sealy, Stearns and Foster, iDirect, King Koil, and Campbell Mattress of Missouri. We proudly carry mattresses made in USA such as the Sealy Posturepedic, King Koil, Sealy Posturepedic Hybrid, Sealy Conform, Tempurpedic Cloud, Tempurpedic Conform and Tempurpedic Flex, Stearns & Foster Estate, Stearns & Foster Lux Estate, Stearns & Foster Reserve and Stearns & Foster Hybrid. We are locally owned and operated serving the greater St. Louis area and growing. Please visit our factory direct mattress showrooms so you get the lowest price and the very best mattress for your particular needs.

Sleep.... Perchance to Dream: 4 Common Creepy Dreams

Is Freddy Krueger living in your nightmares? Are you afraid to fall asleep because that Wendigo will chase you around the forest again? Is Pennywise the clown luring you into the sewers at 2 am? Here are 4 of the scariest dreams, their meanings, and some possible solutions!

  1.        Falling

One of the most common dreams this tends to be about inability to control your own life. Unforeseen circumstances might have changed and put you into a situation out of your control leaving you feeling helpless and alone. Falling from a tall building or mountain illustrates your inability to catch or hold onto something leaving your mind feeling like it is in a free fall.

  1.        Being Chased

Confrontation is the key here. We tend to avoid confrontation at all costs not wanting to bother or antagonize whatever problem we have so we run from it. Having a dream where it is manifested as running from a 60 foot snake or Freddy Krueger is understandable. Avoiding the confrontation builds it up in our minds and we need to escape it hence the dream.

  1.        Teeth Falling Out

There are two prevalent theories on teeth falling out. One is concerned with our own vanity. No one likes being seen as less than and a lot of us have inner turmoil about our outward appearance. The second is about growing older. It is something we cannot stop everyone will age. Teeth falling out represent the decay of one’s body over time especially the fear of aging.

  1.        Being Naked in front of a crowd

This one ties in a little with the teeth falling out; again it is stress about personal appearance and self-image. It is the fear of being judged demonstrating itself in a dream. The person experiencing it is not only feeling embarrassed but they are being judged by everyone there. This is a very anxiety heavy dream.



The science of how to stop nightmares from happening is still rather unknown. This isn’t as easy as popping a pill and making it go away. We have to sleep and with sleep comes dreams, but there are a few ways we can hopefully prevent nightmares.


Clear your mind before sleep. We all have ridiculously stressful lives and if you take those anxieties to bed with you they end up manifesting in your dreams. Try yoga, deep breathing, or chamomile tea and give yourself 20 minutes to wind down from your day so that you can have a restful night. Deal with your daytime stressors and don’t just put it off for tomorrow because it will come after you at night.

Dream journal

If you write out your dreams more than likely you can see where they are coming from. If you wake up every Friday terrified after falling it could be a result of the Thursday staff meeting or class. Typically a pattern will appear and then you can use relaxation techniques to calm yourself while unpacking the meaning of your situation. Also most times when someone wakes up with a particular nasty dream we forget the details very quickly. The faster you can write it down the more information you will have to be able to work through the stress that is causing it.

Optimal sleep environment

Dreams happen in REM sleep. Typically the dreams we remember happen closer to our time of waking. You need to have an all-night optimal sleep environment. What that means is it needs to be dark (as dark as you can make it even red alarm clocks can keep you up, blue light only) and set at the proper temperature. The optimal sleep temperature is 67-69 degrees. Also, the more restless you are the more likely you are the lighter the sleep you are getting and the more likely you will remember your dreams. People tend to be more restless if they are sleeping on a mattress that is not giving the proper support and pressure relief.

Hopefully these tips can help you become a dream warrior at night. 

Halloween Bedtime??


When should I take the family Trick or Treating? When is the best bedtime for Halloween night?

Halloween was always one of my favorite holidays as a child. I can remember the excitement of picking out my costume and getting together with my neighborhood friends so we could loop around a few blocks to fill up the bright orange plastic jack-o-lanterns we all had.

You may have memories of night time trick or treating, but an earlier night is better. Experts still recommend more sleep for younger children than older children:If your child is 3-5 years old they should be getting 10-13 hours of sleep; however, 8-9 hours of sleep is still normal for this age. Children 6-13 years of age should sleep 9-11 hours at night but 7-8 hours of sleep is still considered adequate. Sleep is important for growing bodies so establishing a bed time for children and sticking to it is important---even on a holiday. 

You should check local laws on trick or treating in your area but trick or treating early before sunset can allow your children more time in bed after the exciting trip through the neighborhood. If you will trick or treat after dark be sure to remain visible. Brighter high visibility materials or reflectors do not require batteries or replacing next year but blinking lights and glow sticks are also available to help drivers see pedestrians after dark.

TIP: Tape glow sticks or battery-operated LED lights to the inside of an orange jack-o-lantern to make it glow brightly for better visibility near traffic.

TIP: Have children sort candy into daily allotments right away so they don’t get too much candy in one day. Sorting the candy can be even more fun than eating heroic doses of candy in one night. Plus children get to enjoy Halloween for much longer if they put a little candy away for later.

Unfortunately for you and fortunately for the lucky trick or treaters, there will be a major haul of candy to sort through and consume when everyone gets back home. Just be careful to consider the effects sugar has on the bodies of both adults and children. The average 4-8 year old child consumes 21 teaspoons of sugar on an average day. The recommended safe amount of sugar for children to consume in a day is closer 4-6 teaspoons. Even on the average day children are getting very high levels of sugar but there is some good news for parents.

Sugar does not cause alertness so sleeping after a candy binge should not be difficult. If you can get your children back from trick or treating with enough time to get 10 hours of sleep you can avoid a sleep deficit and allow your children all the time they need to rest and recover after adventuring through the neighborhood collecting candy.

Why a scary movie might be keeping you awake at night


You probably remember seeing a movie or a TV show that kept you awake at night. For me that show was Unsolved Mysteries. The show would highlight various unsolved gruesome crimes then highlight the fact that whoever did the heinous act they had just reenacted was still roaming free and ready to strike again. 

Perhaps there are nights you can remember lying in bed after a scary movie or television program.

What is going on in our body that makes a TV show affect us so much? Why do some people like to be scared even if it makes them lose sleep over it?

While you watch a good horror movie your heart rate and breathing speed up. Scary movies make you feel scared (go figure) and for many people watching a scary movie makes your body react the same way it would if there was something really scary there that could hurt you. You may have heard the term fight or flight, but the increase in heart rate and breathing helps your body supply more oxygen and blood flow to areas that would normally be needed to run away from something. Instead you may just need to run to get a refill of popcorn.

If you are really feeling scared your body may even tense up or even squeeze or move involuntarily that’s noradrenaline’s fault. Noradrenaline is a hormone that carries signals around the body and that tense feeling is a signal that something important is going to happen. Scary movies trick you into feeling like you are in danger so you tense up.

Scary movies can make you feel so stressed that cortisol levels in the body can rise. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone and is linked to memory loss and depression. It can also trigger bad memories because cortisol is released during trying times. Scary movies play with our fight or flight and stress management systems in our body. Adrenaline levels also spike. Scary movies make your body feel excited. The fun of watching a scary movie is being scared which may not seem to make a whole lot of sense.

However, recent research shows that dopamine gets released by your brain during a scary situation. Dopamine is generally considered a chemical the brain released to feel a sense of pleasure but it is also released during stressful and upsetting circumstances as well. This release of dopamine may be why we seek out scary movies despite the stressful feelings they may cause us to feel.

If you are not as affected by scary movies the reasons may be genetic. I no longer feel the strain of Unsolved Mysteries when I catch it on reruns. Scary movies may not cause strong reactions in every one but some research has suggested that some people may be more likely to be affected by disturbing imagery than others based on the doubling of a particular gene. If you have two copies of this particular gene you are much more likely to feel scared by scary movies.

No matter how scary a movie is you should not suffer from sleepless nights very long. Your body should be able to comfortably relax in bed most every night. If you are lying awake or feeling less than refreshed in the mornings visit Mattress Direct for a proper mattress fitting. Trained sleep specialists from Mattress Direct can keep you from feeling like a zombie or any other horror monster by ensuring you get the right mattress with characteristics that match your body type and sleep styles.

Attack of the Zombie Mattress


It’s dark, your body aches and you are covered in sweat. You feel exhausted as if some unrelenting monster has been pursuing you at a steady pace. No time to rest. You never get to rest. You are not in some remote summer camp being chased by Zombies through the woods. The constant exhaustion is caused by a terrible monster. A monster that doesn’t eat brains, instead this monster drains brains of their energy. That monster is……


A zombie mattress.

Unfortunately, zombies are undead just enough to torments us. They keep up pursuit and never let you rest. Zombie mattresses manage to cling to just enough life to torment us as well. Maybe we wake up in a sweat. Many modern mattresses are designed to help you sleep better than before. Mattresses by Tempurpedic, Sealy, Stearns & Foster and King Koil have much better cooling solutions than what was available just a few years ago. Don’t lets your dead mattress be a mattress zombie. Replace it and start sleeping better.

If your zombie mattress feels like it’s killing your back or draining your brain after you wake up then be your own hero. You don’t need a baseball bat with nails in it to bash your sleep issues. You can take some time with the sleep specialists at Mattress Direct. Finding the right mattress and getting good rest are incredibly important.

What are signs your mattress is a zombie mattress?

Do you experience sudden urges to toss and turn at night?
Does your shoulder or neck feel sore throughout the day or in the morning?
Does your spouse or sleep partner complain about your mattress?
When you wake up do you already feel sore?
Do you suffer from a lack of energy because of poor sleep?
Are you waking up too hot after adjusting your home thermostat and your number of blankets?

If you answered yes to any of the questions listed above you stand to gain from a new mattress. You should wake up feeling refreshed and your body should feel rested in the morning. Many people struggle with a zombie mattress in silence. Don’t struggle in silence. Visit one of the factory direct Mattress Direct showrooms as soon as you get the chance and get fitted. Then you won’t feel like a zombie when you wake up either.